Thursday, July 5, 2012

Choosing Your Above Ground Pool Cover

  They are also the safer option for homes that have young children living in them.  With the pool sitting up above the ground, you do not have to worry about young children (or other pets that do not know how to swim) falling into the water while your attention is elsewhere.  Whatever your reason for choosing an above ground swimming pool, there is one other purchase you must make:  your above ground pool cover.

Having a cover on your pool is imperative.  Just because your above ground pool might be safer in terms of keeping young children and pets out does not mean that it is completely maintenance and upkeep free.  Your pool will still see its share of leaves, trash and other types of debris. It is still susceptible to temperature fluctuations and bacterial infestation.  The best way to make sure that your pool stays as clean and safe as possible?  To obtain an above ground pool cover and make sure that you secure it in place whenever you are not using the pool itself.

One of the most important types of above ground cover that you can own is a winter time pool cover.  These pool covers are thicker than the covers that you will use during the warmer months (when the pool itself is being used regularly).  The winter above ground pool cover is made from thick vinyl or even, in some cases, solid plastic and it is fitted tightly to the top of the pool.  This keeps mud, dirt, leaves and other environmental debris from falling into your pool's water.

It also keeps pests and rodents from climbing into the water and accidentally drowning (or from simply using your pool as a toilet).  The solid cover keeps the water from evaporating and holds in the water's heat which will help keep it from freezing in the winter and damaging your above ground pool's structural integrity.  If you choose a solar above ground pool cover, you will be able to use the energy provided by the sun's light to warm the pool water year round!

During the warmer months, your above ground pool cover should be lighter, perhaps a mesh or net cover or even a simple solar blanket to help maintain the water's temperature.  This will help you save money on heating costs and maintenance and cleaning costs!

Remember, it is not good enough to simply own an above ground pool cover [].  You need to make a practice of using it.  Your pool should be covered whenever you are not in the water.  It might seem like a pain to have to take the time to cover the pool every day (or a few times a day), but your wallet will thank you when you realize how much you will be saving on maintenance fees-not to mention the extra time you will have for actual swimming since you will not have to clean the pool as often!

Pieter West travels the world on a regular basis and have written about numerous subjects. He has an extensive knowledge about, finances, DIY, parenting advice and many more subjects.

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